

J-Bed: the first and only product capable of transforming the beach into a Wellness Luxury Technology Area

Through the acoustic vibrations your body will be activated, obtaining Relax and much more.


It is a technological device consisting of:

  • a luxury memory foam mattress, which transmits acoustic vibrations to the body, permeating and massaging it
  • a simple but amazing APP downloadable by the end user
  • a solar panel placed above the sunshade that powers the system effectively and completely GREEN

How does it work:

J-Bed uses the powerful Vibbro vibrational motor.

Through the app Vibbro Music you can choose between different vibrations acting through the J-Bed 

(Happyness – Detox – Super Boost – Sleep – Weight Loss – Cellulite – Relax – Wellness – Energy – Tan)

and listen in headphones to one of the over 15,000 Mindfullness, 8D, meditation music, but also fairy tales for children, etc. (constantly updated)

The headphones are Mono-use, similar to those used for years in museum audio guides.

What are the benefits:

J-Bed is a Zero, Green, Innovative impact product that harmonizes man with nature.

Bring a new concept of Wellness within everyone's reach.

This solution allows you to bring dynamism and well-being to the beach without adding disturbance in decibels!

If you are interested, ask for information at our dedicated email: